Being a diabetic teenager can be really hard and challenging. When your a teenager your hormones effects your levels so much. I found it really hard at the beginning of this year because some days were really high and then other days my levels were under 10 all day. This meant I couldn't change the amount of insulin I was getting because there wasn't a Patten in my levels and my levels weren't consistently high. This made it really hard because I was doing everything right but my levels were still running high, it was so annoying.
When I was going through a really hard time at the beginning of this year, I went through a stage where I didn't want to be diabetic, I wanted to be like all of my friends at school. I wished I wasn't diabetic. I wanted to be able to eat what ever food I wanted to and not have to worry how many carbs were in everything I was putting into my mouth. I wanted to be able to do things without worrying about what my levels were. I wanted to be able to eat food without having to do my blood count when I ate something. I wanted to be able to eat food without having to give myself insulin. So I did something I regret doing.
I decided I didn't want to be diabetic anymore so I stopped doing my blood count and I only gave myself insulin for the food I was eating. This made my levels really high as when my levels were high I didn't know so I wasn't giving a correction. I had a hospital appointment and the hospital found out that I had been doing. My hba1c was 13.1 and I had made myself really ill. The hospital said they would arranged a day that I would be admitted on to a ward so that they come monitor my levels as I was having so much insulin and my levels were still running really high. I ended up having to stay in hospital for 2 days. The hospital sorted out my levels and let me go home.
I totally regret doing what I did. I made it stand out more that I was diabetic and different to everyone else at my school because I had to have time of because of how ill I felt and because I had to go into hospital. If I had of looked after my self and not dome what I did it wouldn't have stood out as much to other people because I wouldn't have had as much time of school as I did. I wish I had never had done what I did.
My advice to you is don't do what I did because I totally regret doing it. Please take care and look afteryourself because it stands out a lot more that you are diabetic if you don't. Remember you are stronger than you think.
I will most definetly share this with Rene'e she needs to know all this, thnx again Laura :)