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Monday, 12 August 2013


I have been diabetic for over 10 years now and I still have days when I wished I wasn't diabetic anymore. It doesn't matter how long you have had diabetes for everyone has good and bad days. I have had days there I wished I didn't have to stick needles in me every day and I could eat whatever food I want. You're not alone, I promise.

It makes it so much easier when you have friends that are always there for you. My friends at school have helped me so much. One day at lunch I did my blood count and my levels were 4.3, I didn't want to treat it as a hypo as I just wanted to eat lunch. My friends could see that my levels were going to dropping and I felt really ill, so one of my friends opened a can of coke for me to drink so that my levels would up. I felt so ill that I just wanted to sit there and do nothing. My friend kept saying Laura you need to drink it now but I didn't want to so I just sat there. Then my friends explained to me that I needed to drink it so that my levels would go up and I would feel better, so I drank the coke and my levels went up. The reason why I didn't want to dink the coke was because I felt so ill but as soon as my friends explained to me why I need to drink it I drank it. My friends at school help me so much and I don't know what I would do without them. My advice would be make sure your friends know what to do when your levels are high and low and the symptoms you get when your levels are high or low because then they can notices when your levels are low or high and you don't realise. Also it's a really good idea to let one of your friends do your blood count just encase you need to check your levels and you're not well enough to.

There are loads of groups on Facebook where you can talk to other people who have type one diabetes. For example 'Type One Teens' and "The bittersweet life of a T1D." Before I joined these two groups on Facebook I felt like I was alone and that no one else understood what it was like dealing with diabetes. When I joined some type one diabetic groups on Facebook I realised loads of people were going through stuff I was going through and that I wasn't alone. I have made so many new friend that live in England, Canada and America. Some of the people I have made friends with are so amazing and have helped me so much, they are more like a sister then a friend. My advice to anyone with type one diabetes is too join one of the Facebook groups (Type One Teens or The bittersweet life of a T1D) because it so nice to be able to makes so many new friends.

There are always people who are there for you if you just want to chat or when you need help (you can always message me on Facebook or leave a comment below) You are never alone I promise.


  1. I'm the friend that lives in America!!! Joining diabetic support groups on FB have helped me so much.

  2. Yeah you are and I agree with you, If you have type one diabetes please join the diabetic support groups on Facebook as I promise it will help. The people on the groups are really nice and are always happy to chat and give advice to people
