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Sunday 9 February 2014

More than Diabetes

I realised I haven't told you a lot about me so I thought I would write down some things about me that you probably don't know.

My full name is Laura Elizabeth Archer
I am 15 years old
I was born on 1st December 1998
I am in year 10 at school
I have dark blonde hair
I have green/brown eyes
I am right handed
I have one brother and two stepbrother
I live with my mum, stepdad, brother and my two step brothers every other weekend
I have two dogs
I have a paper round
I help out at football training for 5-6 year olds
I did the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
I have been abroad on holiday to Portugal and America
I don't like eggs
I don't like spiders
I have a phobia to needles
My favourite book is 'Is it just me?' By Miranda Hart
My favourite colour is blue and teal
My favourite meal is pasta
My favourite food is meringue with cream
My favourite lesson at school is English
My least favourite lesson at school in French and PE
My favourite film is pitch perfect
My favourite tv series Miranda, Greys Anatomy
My favourite boy band are The Vamps
My favourite girl band are Little Mix
My favourite animal is a Panda
Oh yeah...
I am allergic to Penicillin
I have Type One Diabetes
I have been Diabetic for 11 years
I am on an insulin pump

Being diabetic is only one part of me, I am so much more then diabetes. You should never let your diabetes stop you from doing anything and you are so much more than just diabetes!
Remember you are stronger than you think 

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