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Monday, 2 September 2013

Where i am today

Through the last 8 months I have changed so much and I have  became more independent. At the beginning of the year I decided I didn't want to have diabetes anymore and I made myself really ill. My hba1c went up to 13.1. However now I am proud to have diabetes and I have looked after myself more and now my hba1c is 8.7! I have made a massive step forward in the last 8 months and the hospital and my mum are so proud of me.

A few months ago I started seeing a psychologists at the hospital to help me with my diabetes as I was going through a really hard time. While I was talking to the psychologist she explained to me how having consistently high levels, it makes you feel ill, makes it harder to concentrate at school and it makes your hair and nails grow slower. This made me think about my GCSE exams in year 11, if my levels were running high all the time it would make it harder for me to concentrate which would mean I wouldn't  Hey very goo GCSE results. I really want to get good GCSE results because I want to get the job I would like when I am older. I also realised  that I am going to have diabetes for the rest of my life, so if I try and get my levels and diabetes under control now it would make my life easier when I am older.

The next step was getting my Hba1c down. If my hba1c was lower this would mean my levels would be lower because a hba1c is your average blood count level. So I started to check my blood count more and when my levels were high I used to think that my levels would just go lower but it never worked so I started giving myself a correction instead. This helped bring my hba1c down because my levels are lower then they used to be. This made me feel generally happier and it made me feel well again. Also I wasn't having as much time off school anymore because I didn't feel ill anymore, this meant I was more like my friends at school and me having diabetes didn't stand out as much as it used to. I was more independent.

Then I started my own blog. I thought if I shared some of my experiences with other people it would help other people understand what people who have diabetes go through everyday. Also I hoped it would help people with diabetes to show them that they aren't alone, there are other people going though the same stuff they are. There are always people to talk to and  help them alone the way.

I have changed so much and I have achieved so much too. I am a happier, more independent person. I can't believe how much I have achieved. However I would not have been able to achieve any of these things if it wasn't for my mum, friends, the hospital and people on the Facebook groups, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has helped me and supported me along the way. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.

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