We all have bad days where are levels are really high or really low. We sometimes have days where our levels are really low and we struggle to get them back up to normal and stay there without going low again. We also sometimes have days where our levels are running really high and we can't get them down no matter how much insulin we give ourselves. It can make you really upset and unhappy because you have done nothing differently to what you normally do but for some reason your levels are really high or really low.
Yesterday I had a bad day because my levels were really high. When I woke up my levels were 14.2. I did my paper round, got ready for school, had breakfast and went to school. I felt fine in my first lesson but in my second lesson I started to get a stomach ache, headache and was finding it really hard to concentrate. So after my second lesson we had a break so I went to the medical room so that I could check my levels. When I checked my levels I was 26.1 so the school rang my mum. My mum said that my line to my pump was probably blocked but it could only have been blocked like for 2 hours as my levels hadn't gone up that much from the morning. My mum said to give myself a correction to see if my levels would go down and she said she could pick me up in half an hour. When I got home I checked my levels again to see if they had came down. When I checked my levels I was HI (33.3+), so I changed my line to my pump. When I changed it I looked at my line and there was a kink in the line so I hadn't been getting any insulin. After I had changed my line to my pump I put a Temp basal of 150% and gave myself a correction. I felt so ill that I just slept the rest of the afternoon. I kept checking my levels every hour. By dinner time my levels were a bit high and I still didn't feel that well. I was so annoyed and upset because I just wanted to feel better again. When I woke up this morning I felt a bit better than yesterday. I really didn't want to go to school though as I was so tired and felt a bit dizzy. My mum told me to go to school and see how I felt. When I got to school I started to feel a bit better and by the end of the day I felt so much better.
When I felt really ill yesterday I felt like giving up but I realised that if I gave up it would make me ill for longer. If I tried to sort it out I was more likely to feel better tomorrow. Please don't ever give up because you are stronger then you think and you will feel better sooner if you don't give up
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