Everyone is scared of different things, it could be something really scary to you but to someone else its nothing. Some people try and face their fears but it's not as easy as it sounds, it can be really hard. Some people don't tell anyone their fears because they are scared someone might think it's funny or that someone might use their fear against them. I never really tell anyone about my phobias or fears because I think some of them are weird, I thought today I would tell you about one of my fears.
One of my biggest fears are needles, I have a phobia of them. I don't really tell people about this phobia because I have to stick needles in me every day so I thought people might find it a bit stupid. this is the first time I have told lots of people about my big fear/phobia of needles. I have no idea why I am so scared of needles but I just am.
As I am on a pump I have to change my line every 3 days. When I change my line I use this spray that numbs your skin, this means that when I insert my new cannula in me I don't feel it go in. However even though I use this spray I am still scared of changing my line. It normally takes me like 10 minutes to change my cannula because when I go to insert the cannula I get scared and don't want to do it. So I leave it a bit longer and then I will try and insert my cannula again. Once I insert my new cannula I am so happy that I have done it.
The thing that I am most scared on is blood test. Every time I have a blood test I have to lay down and I get really worked up about it, so my levels ended up going high. Every year I have an annual review at the diabetic clinic where they do a blood test,. I had mine a couple of weeks ago, I was fine until they said I had to have my blood test done. To start of I wouldn't go into the room where they were doing the blood tests because I really didn't want to have it done. One of the nurses came out and walked me into the room. When I got in the room I sat on the bed and they choose which arm they were going to do the blood test on. I was shaky loads because I was so scared. When they went to take the blood I start crying because I really didn't want to have it done. So one of the nurses came and hugged me and made sure I wasn't looking while the other nurse took the blood from my arm. It hurt a bit when the nurse took the blood but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was so proud of myself after it was all done.
I have realised that thing aren't always as bad as you think it's going to be. you are a lot stronger then you think you are. You can face your fears and phobias if you really want to, I know it is really scary at first but you will be so proud of yourself after you have faced your fears.
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