We all have days where we are ill and don't go to school. This could be because you are general ill or you are ill because of your diabetes. You could have really high levels and ketones, you could be sick, your levels could be all over the place or other things, there are so many reasons why you have some days off school.
How do people at school act when you have a day off at school? They might understand and make sure you are alright when you go to school the next day or they might say you are skiving off school. It can be really hard if people say you were skiving when actually you were really ill.
A couple of days ago my cannula to my pump fell out in the night while I was asleep, the next morning I woke up feeling really sick and thirsty so I checked my levels. My levels were 26.7 and my ketones were 1.2. I put a new cannula in and gave myself some insulin to get rid of my ketones and lower my levels. I had an English exam that day so I started to get ready for school but I felt really ill so I sat down for a bit. I checked my levels and ketones again, they had gone up! So I gave myself some more insulin and my mum said that I couldn't go to school. As the day went on my levels lowered and I had no ketones, I felt a lot better.
The next day at school loads of people said that I skived off school because we had an English exam. I explained how I had really high levels and ketones because my cannula to my pump fell out in the night so I had missed loads of insulin. They still wouldn't listen, so I explained how dangerous ketones are and that I could have ended up in hospital. They still wouldn't listen and kept saying that I skived off school, no matter how many times I tried to explain why I wasn't at school, they didn't listen or care. So I choose to just ignore them because they weren't worth it and I knew my real friends would just ignore them.
I know it can be really hard when people make things up about you, however they have no idea what we have to go through every day and how hard it actually is. The best thing to do is to ignore them because they are not worth it;they have no idea how ill our diabetes can make us feel.
Please don't let people get you down, just ignore them they aren't worth it, always remember you are a lot stronger then you think
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