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Saturday, 28 June 2014

PE and School

I admit I really don't like PE at school, I don't like being judged by other people in the class because I am not very good at sport. Most people just end up moaning at you because you aren't very good and apparently your not even trying when you know you are, you're just not very good at it. This doesn't always happen to people but I have had it happen to me before and know probably other people have too. Anyway, doing PE can really effect your levels just like any form of exercise does and with the weather on top of this it can make it even harder and frustrating.

So a couple of weeks ago I was doing PE at school and we were playing rounders outside on the grass. The teacher split the class in to 3 teams so that 2 teams could play a game of rounders while 1 team did some batting practice and then we would all swap over. For the first game I was on the team that was doing batting practice then when we went to swap over I started to feel like my levels were low.

Me: Miss can I check my levels as I think I am low?
Teacher: Yeah of course
Me: (checks levels) Miss my levels are low
Teacher: It will be fine I will sit in field with you encase anything happens
Me: I need to have something to make my levels go up first
Teacher: Have you got something on you to eat or drink?
Me: Yeah I have a can of coke (gets can of coke out and starts drinking it)
Teacher: That can of coke is so small and perfect for people with diabetes
Me: Yeah I know (finishes can of coke)
Teacher: You can go stand in field now
Me: No I cant, I have to sit down for 10mins first, for my levels to up
Teacher: Ok, you can stay there then
Teacher: (Comes back to me 5mins later) Its been 10mins Laura
Me: I don't think it has been
Teacher: Yeah I know, I was only kidding
Teacher: (comes back 5mins later) Its been 10mins, you can bat now
Me: I need to check my levels first to see if they have upped enough
Teacher: Okay
Me: (checks levels) My levels are fine now miss
Teacher: Good but its the end of the lesson now

I couldn't believe that my PE didn't know what I was meant to do when my levels were low, she's so funny. Luckily now she knows what to do when my levels are low as I was low in my PE lesson the next day and she understood what I had to do and knew my levels were running low because of the hot weather.

Tips for looking after your levels while doing exercise:
  • Check your levels before doing exercise - if they are below 10 maybe have something to eat before
  • Make sure you have stuff to up your levels on you - Glucose Tabs, sugar drinks, sweets or something like that (liquid ups your levels quicker as you don't waste energy chewing)
  • Make sure someone with you know what your symptoms of a low are - sometimes you might not realise you are low but someone else can by looking at you and the way you are acting
  • Make sure you check your levels more while exercising - check if your levels are dropping so that you can have something to eat to stop them dropping
  • Check your levels after doing exercise

I know that your levels can be really annoying while you are trying to do exercise but if you follow the tips in this post, hopefully it will make it a little bit easier for you. Don't let your levels stop yourself from having fun doing whatever exercise you like doing.
Always remember you are stronger than you think!

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